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【转】gedit 插件一览表




尤其是Advanced Find / Replace,Smart Highlighting

gedit 插件一览表  

2010-12-26 23:17:09|  分类: 写给自己的。。 |  标签:python  plugins  text  gedit  download  |字号 订阅


Please do not use the GUI editor to edit this page. It changes the layout of the page.

This page contains an overview of the available, requested and third party plugins for gedit. If you have developed a plugin yourself you can list it here in the third party section. Additional to the plugins available in gedit by default there is a separate gedit-plugins package containing useful plugins that are (most of the time) too specific to be distributed with gedit itself.



Shipped plugins

The following plugins are shipped with gedit:

  • Change caseChanges the case of selected text.

  • Check updateCheck for latest version of gedit (Win32 and OS X only)

  • Document StatisticsAnalyses the current document and reports the number of words, lines, characters and non-space characters in it.

  • External toolsExecute external commands and shell scripts. (More)

  • File BrowserA file browser plugin allowing to easily access your file system (includes remote mounts, creating new files/directories, monitor directories for changes, etc.) (More)

  • ModelinesEmacs, Kate and Vim-style modelines support for gedit.

  • Python consoleInteractive Python console standing in the bottom panel.

  • Quick openQuickly open files

  • SnippetsInsert often used pieces of text in a fast way. (More)

  • SortSorts a document or selected text.

  • SpellChecks the spelling of the current document.

  • Tag listProvides a method to easily insert into a document commonly used tags/strings without having to type them.

  • Insert Date/TimeInserts current date and time at the cursor position.


Plugins in gedit-plugins package

See also the plugins provided by the gedit-plugins package.



Third party plugins

Plugins developed by third parties. To install one of these, you need to download the files and put them in your ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/ directory (which may need to be created). They need to be in that exact directory; subdirectories are not scanned for plugins.




Third party plugins under development

Below follows a list of third party plugins that still need some development:



Requested plugins

Useful plugins that have not yet been written:

  • Auto-indent wrapped line

    • Automatically indent any line longer than the screen width. Such a wrapped line would be indented like the indentation of the line start (or the previous tab stop). Bug reportgnomebug:559132 and gnomebug:326821

  • Automatic code-completion

    • Automatic complete symbols, in particular for C (or automatic ctags generation?)

  • Background that helps navigating the code

    • A plugin could paint the background for each function in different colour and put the function name in a subtle way. Something like: http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=13723 <- this would be a very nifty feature.

  • Bookmarks

    • A bookmarks plugin Bug reportgnomebug:116737 Update: Funcbrowser plugin below implement this bookmark feature.

  • Bookmarking

  • Code autoformat

    • Automatically apply a chosen coding style while typing. A plugin that lets the user select a coding style (or even pull it from the mode line if possible). While typing the style is applied automatically, e.g., with gtk's style "if (foo) {" would automatically put the "{" in the next line and indent appropriately. Not to be confused with templates (e.g., as in Eclipse), no characters should be inserted automatically. What to autoformat:

    • do, for, if, while
    • argument lists
    • space between function name and left parenthesis
    • add more here ...
  • Common refactorings

    • Add some common refactoring for programmers: extract method, pull method, replace with constant, etc

  • CVS

    • Plugin which handles CVS projects Bug reportgnomebug:164662 CommentJesseVanDenKieboom: I think this should be in the projects manager plugin which needs to be developed as well as SVN and maybe more types of projects. I'm going to start working on this soon

  • Diff

    • It could be handy to use gedit to compare different versions of a file, or similar files. CommentRoryMcCannmeld (http://meld.sourceforge.net) is a Gnome diff GUI. Rather than reimplementing meld in Gedit, closer gedit/meld intergration would be better.

  • Filling-text in current paragraph

    • Add a "fill-text in current paragraph" command like the "Meta-Q" command in GNU Emacs. Bug report:gnomebug:149081

  • Git integration

  • Gobby/obby integration

    • Provide support for connecting to obby sessions within gedit, including chat etc

  • Insert file

    • Insert a file in the active document at the cursor position Bug reportgnomebug:154621

  • Latex

  • MatchIt

  • Open Favorite

  • Pair character autocompletion

  • Perl debugger integration

    • Add debugging capabilities (including space to store environment variables) to make gedit a lightweight IDE

  • Plugin Selector

    • A plugin to determine whether other plugins should be activated or not. For example, with filenames *.tex you could enable the LaTeX plugin, but for other file types you don't need the plugin.

  • Python debugger integration

    • Add Python debugging capabilities to make gedit a nice Python IDE

  • Python Unit testing support

    • Integrate Python's default unit testing framework pyunit

  • Reload current page

    • A plugin that detects if the document has been altered by a third party program, and offers to reload it

  • Replace in all documents

    • A plugins to replace an expression in all the opened documents/tabs

  • SDI

    • A proper SDI interface, where each document gets its own window. The plugin should also hide the tab, as it will just be wasting vertical real estate and confuse users. Bug reportgnomebug:105196 Assigned to:JesseVanDenKieboom: I've implemented this as part of the core since implementing it through a plugin would require a lot of workarounds and dirty hacks. You can find my work in the sdi_mdi cvs/svn branch.

  • Search in files

    • Search in all currently opened document instead of only the active document

  • Shell script plugin

  • Split pane

    • Add multiple views of the current document, editable simultaneously (and kept synchronized)

  • Track Changes

    • Track any changes to current documents, see Notepad++ 5.4.2.

  • URL Launcher

  • Visual markup

    • When I'm working I want to mark something I wrote as being suspicious, so I want a way to make it visually stand out from the rest. For instance, a red background color. If I just want to visually separate one paragraph from the seemingly endless black and white, i might want to give it a yellow background color. This doesn't need to affect printing, it would just help the writing, and in a similar way as syntax coloring does.
    • Also wouldn't it be super cool if I could select a block of code and sort-of hide it? So that it doesn't distract me from what I'm working on.
  • Wiki

  • XML helper



Howto install plugins

Copy files to .gnome2/gedit/plugins/ or /usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/, if you want a system wide install.


Howto write plugins

Plugins can be written in both C and Python. The recommended language is Python, because it's very easy to write plugins in very little code Compared to C. Although Python is the best choice most of the time, when a plugin depends on a C library it must be written in C.




    其他文件放在/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/下,选择编辑-&gt;首选项-&gt;插件,在插件列表里把它勾上就可以了。 PS:如果不能把gedit的插件复制在gedit目录下的plugins文件夹下,系统提示permission denied,那么这是权限问题...

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    已经安装好的,具体的应该自己去下载 http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins 包含如下等: ...gedit-grep-v0.1:在当前打开的文件或者指定的目录中搜索字符串,类似vimgrep. 保存会话:保存上次打开的状态。

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